Wednesday, October 11, 2006



Anonymous said...

All very nice!!! This one has added color which gives it a great totally different look so a bit hard to compare to the others. Maybe a different color for the dot? Something...not sure. Will sleep on it.

Thanks for a great job! Tell Don K. he's missing out on the fun...

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments on the colors Lynn..they can be difficult and more costly particularly when using varying shades of similar colors. My color comment meant that it was difficult to compare this one with the rest because this was the only one that had all the colors. Guess I should have explained that further but I was trying to get away with using more cryptic wording after midnight! Vern, were you trying to tie it in with the posted sign that Don K. made for us in the library by using the blue? I seem to prefer a red/pink dot rather than yellow esp. with this one. Sorry, Lynn I didn't realize you chose the other b/w one...I didn't get the chance to look at the website very well.

I think for the most part we could use the b/w with red/pink dot partly because it's the most cost effective and catchy. However, we could also have one large poster size printed out to use for showcase displays with whatever additional colors we wish. That's something we could pay for using membership dues!

I didn't have any trouble downloading anything with regard to this blog. Thanks for doing this Vern...remind me to have you mention at the next meeting.

Anonymous said...

I like this one best. It's softer and more relaxing. The wavy lines remind me of the hills and creeks of Clayton.
